Monday, February 25, 2008
Soooo Laazzyy!
Ever feel like you can't get enough sleep! If it wasn't for waking up to go potty I don't think I would have gotten out of bed for the majority of the weekend. It has been really rainy (we aren't used to rain so many days in a row), I got new jammies that a put on and did not take off until this morning. My husband and the fur babies curled up on the couch and wathced the Bass Master Classic. It was great!!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Today my boy turns SIX! My Husband and I have a hard time grasping the concept. He is still such a puppy in our eyes. He is always running and playing he will chase ANYTHING! We have had a lot of loss in our family over the past year and Chopper has been there by our sides always the empathic Pup. Over the last few months he has bonded with the newest member of our family, Snippitt(A Teacup Yorkie full of Piss & Vineagar), and taken on the role of the Big Brother. He has also figured out that if he wants to do something and we are busy, all he has to do is get Snippitt going and we give in, becuase she will not let anything go!
Love You Chopper!
Friday, February 15, 2008
It Never Snows in San Diego....Until Yesterday!

So I live in "America's Finest City" as the local politicians like to call it or just San Diego as I like to call it, we are famous for our perfect climate. Yesterday a Cruise Ship pulled into town filled with people eager to explore downtown and basque in the sunshine as they themselves probably escaped -20 temps in the midwest! Well I am sorry to tell you that yesterday was not your day and you should ask for a DO OVER becuase around noon yesterday a freak winter storm rolled in. Dropping up to 10 inches of snow in our surrounding mountains and dropping the snow level to 1500 feet. We actually made national news last night as a local highway was closed and remained closed on my way to work even this morning!
Thursday, February 14, 2008

On my way to wrok this morning I passed Albertson's Grocery Store and they had set up a "Drive Thru" filled with balloons, candy and flowers for those who were desperate and forgot! Kind of a strange site a line of cars with people running and shoving baloons, flowers and candy through car windows. I do not know about you...but I'd rather have a hand written note anyday from my sweetheart than a box of grocery store chocolate. This year things are really tight so we have decided to stay in and cook dinner together, walk the fur babies, and watch LOST & SURVIVOR (gotta love the DVR).
If you read this today Honey....I love you with all my heart, you are my heart and soul, not to mention you take great care of me and the fur babies.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
MUST READ........

I just read Bitter is the New Black by Jen Lancaster in about 5 minutes. I love this woman! I am scared that all the things I do have manifested themselves in someone else as well. Totally had the Techie Job making large ones, and me being me saved ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. I have no clue what I did with it!
Now at the rip old age of 36 I am so screwed, nothing in the bank owing everyone!!! BUT a light at the end of the tunnel just flickered a few times and decided to stay on!
So, I have begun to turn over a new leaf, I put away the credit cards, put myself on a budget, my husband is paying the bills so they will actually go out, as well as out on time! I know Baby steps right??
Monday, February 11, 2008
DO NOT GO.....
OK, so I had some surgery last week and I have not been able to go out that much. My honey and I decided we would go to an early dinner, since I was starting to feel better. We live in Vista, CA which is in San Diego County, well there was a restaurant we wanted to try in Carlsbad, which is about 10-15 minutes from us ( I know tedious background..BUT it is important). So I call the restaurant to find out about the wait. We put our name in as a reservation and are out the door. We get there 15 minutes later and still have to wait for about 10 minutes, no biggie! We are both dying for steak and potato, well worth the wait!
I couple comes in and puts there name in and are told they will have to wait 15-20 minutes. We are called about 5 minutes after this, there are (2) hostess' working so we make our way to our table AND..
The other hostess has sat the people that came in after us (no reservation or anything), so my being the Sicilian that I am could not let this go and start pitching a fit, our hostess was very confused as well. So what does the other hostess tell us after my interragation?:
"They are freinds of the waitress so we need to have a seat and wait for the next table"
Are you freakin kidding me?! So if you are ever in Carlsbad, CA remember this tale and avoid..
I couple comes in and puts there name in and are told they will have to wait 15-20 minutes. We are called about 5 minutes after this, there are (2) hostess' working so we make our way to our table AND..
The other hostess has sat the people that came in after us (no reservation or anything), so my being the Sicilian that I am could not let this go and start pitching a fit, our hostess was very confused as well. So what does the other hostess tell us after my interragation?:
"They are freinds of the waitress so we need to have a seat and wait for the next table"
Are you freakin kidding me?! So if you are ever in Carlsbad, CA remember this tale and avoid..
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
US - Polka Dot Whimsy Kit

Finally finished this project! The kit is from Polka Dot Whimsy . The Kit Club is incredible! Michelle Hill always packs the kits with so much product that you have enough leftover to do several layouts or even another book! I gave this book to my Dad and his family for Christmas.

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