Thursday, June 26, 2008

Life Interrupted

It has been a tough week, actually a tough year. We lost Jason's dad in October, and have been faced with trying to pick up the pieces of his life. Mepop lived on a sailboat in our local harbor. he lived the life he wanted and frequently would take off by himself and sail to Mexico or Alaska, just him and his fur baby. Well he left us with a lot of confusion as there was no will and no instructions as to how to handle his things, we have been struggling financially trying to keep everything afloat. Keeping the boat in its slip has left us, in financial ruin. BUT a very close friend of Mepop's has rescued us and is purchasing the boat. Why all the back story? Well today my husband and his best friend are going to the boat to begin packing things up. My husband has not been on the boat since we found Mepop passed away in his bunk. My husband's best friend will be by his side as he begins this difficult task. I am beyond thankful for Paul and his love for my husband. I miss you Mepop, don't worry Snippitt is doing great!!!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Why Can't I Finish You???

2 Weeks and I am still working on this mini album!! I can not describe the HUGE Creative block I am experiencing with this book! I have tons of ideas running through my mind all day...just none of them will help me with this book! URGHH!!!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


My husband and I are huge readers, we go through books very quickly and make a trip to local used book shops and Barnes & Noble weekly. A few weeks ago my husband happened upon a book called "The Cabinet of Curiosities" by Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child. He tore through it in no time. He begged me to give it a try, usually our tastes are very different, but I figured what the heck. OMG I too tore through it in a day. We have now become obsessed and bought all the books we could find. Well now we are at an impasse as the next book won't be out until JULY 28TH! The wait is unbearable, we need our FIX!!!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Summer Colds

I always know when summer is just around the corner..I get the dreaded SUMMER COLD. I will have this cold now for the rest of June, it is like an old friend that wanders in and out of your life. One day I feel great the next can't stop coughing. It has been nice kind of, I sit on the couch and watch BBC America and take a nap with this guy.. OX always makes me feel better!