Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Monday, April 5, 2010


As Usual...brought to you by

Etsy Update, Rain, Earthquakes and Way Too Much Candy..

Hello my little BLOG. Last week was INSANE around here. The real Job was pretty crazy all week and since I work from home, I was working longer than I probably should have! But somewhere in there we did get an ETSY UPDATE in!!!! Lots of Destash Supplies and lots more of those to come as well! I have a shopping problem and there is nothing I love more to buy than Scrap lots of excess. We had a pretty major Quake for us yesterday 7.2 located about 75 miles or so from us. It was a big roller! lasted it seems like an eternity but in relaity about a minute total. The puppies not so happy! Which leads me to....WAY TOO MUCH CANDY!!!!! Lets just say I got my hubby a basket for Easter and not one for myself as I am on a diet (as usual), DOVE DARK CHOCOLATE EGGS YOU ARE EVIL EVIL EVIL!!!!