Well it is time to move out the old stock and make room for the winter stuff! For a limited time be sure to take advantage of our BOGO 1/2 off on the 4x4 Mini's and FREE shipping when more than one 6x6 ChipBoard Mini is purchased!
Next Store Update: 11/5/08 Look new FALL minis and some WINTER fun!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
It was a Pleasure!!!!
I recently had the opportunity to create a PaperBag Album for the sweetest bunny! Her name is Noisette and she lives in Quebec. I had so much fun putting together this book for her Mom! I hope they like it as much as I do!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Goodbye to You...
Monday, October 20, 2008
Monday All Ready!?!
WOW..did we even have a weekend? I spent most of it working on the FALL Mini's. I have so many ideas floating around in my head for these Mini's I love FALL colors! (Sneak peaks to follow shortly). My husband has working like a mad little crafter on a special Chess set he is making, so we have craft supplies spread all over our very tiny and very packed little condo, but I love it! Happy Monday!
PS...Just a little something that I found cruzin the net at 4AM this weeknd...I totally want this how would you order this at IN-n-OUT?

Thursday, October 16, 2008
Fall is in the Air!!! (Only in the morning)

I woke up this morning and the sky was clear and it was pretty nippy out, I had to put a sweater on the littlest of the fur babies when we took our morning spin.
FALL IS HERE! YIPPEEE! (OK if you leave in SoCal like I do FALL is here but only in the morning since we are having super hot days)
I love everything about FALL, the crisp mornings, the cold nights, the gorgeous days all of it. I can't wait to wear my sweaters and cute little socks with my shoes. But best of all I LOVE FALL FOOD! Yummy soups, pumpkin pie, apple pie, turkey, and stuffing I can't wait until Turkey Day! So in my latest adventure in finding supplies, I picked up these little goodies to make some really fun FALL Minis. I have a few tricks up my sleeve, don't be surprised to see a Mini House that will be tons of fun. I can't wait to start! I have way more Embellies in my super secret stash that I am dying to use. These new Minis will "Shut it Down" (Yes I am totally addicted to Rachel Zoe!)
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
I will miss you both...
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Tinsley Crafts and Scrap @ ShopHandmade.com
I am proud to announce that you can now find my Mini albums and altered projects as well as my husbands polymer clay designs and artwork at:
Friday, October 10, 2008
Goodbye to you....
Thursday, October 9, 2008
It is finally time to shake things up in The Scrappin' Princess camp! From this point forward we are in business! (it sounds so scary). I have taken the leap and started to finally sell my creations. After making gifts for family members and some custom designs, I have finally decided to offer my creations to the masses (I have always wanted to say that, cheesy huh?). Form this point on this little BLOG will have WORK to do. You can find info on projects, ESTY news, and more.
Monday, August 18, 2008
This weekend...

We had grand plans for the weekend BUT we got lazy Saturday morning we woke up and rode our bikes to breakfast. I can't believe that I have a bike! I wanted one for a long time and finally decided to get one, but since I haven't rode for awhile, I decided it was stupid to spend tons of money on a really cool Bike when it has been at least twenty years since I was on a bike, so my BFF and I both went to Target where we found the perfect bikes for us. Introducing my bike, complete with Hello Kitty Bell!
If you are ever in Sunny Vista California, you must go to the Curbside Cafe. YUMM-O. www.curbsidecafevistaca.com
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Day 3 of the Pain in my Back!!!
OK so I am now moving into day 3 of this stupid backache. Still hurts like I am having back labor pains (or how horrible I imagine them to be in my mind). Today there has been a new occurrence. After stretching this morning, I slowly twisted and stretched and my lower back popped back into place!!! Yippee! I felt like I had just hit the mother load of all sales! You know that feeling! THEN...I sat up and the damn thing slipped out again! DAMN YOU LOWER BACK. My husband has been a saint taking care of me, rubbing my back with Aspercreame to stop the pain, walking the dogs when I can't, he has been awesome.
I guess I have no choice now but to go to the doctor! YUCK!!
I guess I have no choice now but to go to the doctor! YUCK!!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
My Back!!
Jason and I went to see Batman yesterday, i just have to say that Heath Ledger's performance..Spooky. He was incredible! Before the movie my back had been bothering me pretty much all day. My lower back to be exact. I stretched it, twisted tried to pop it, nothing would help. So by the time the movie comes along, I am thinking maybe it is my Kidney's or something. The pain was constant. After the movie, I got up and felt like someone had stabbed me through. By the time we got home I could barely walk. I took a hot shower that didn't help. Laid Flat, no help. Finally I couldn't deal any longer and took two vicodin. Finally I felt some relief. I slept through the night. Today, the pain is back, and I feel like I have a hangover! Now What!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008

I just finished the first book in the Twilight Series! It took me less than a day! I LOVE IT! It is like crack! I need the next one right now, I am going to have to go to Target at lunch so I can get it. I instatnly fell in love with everyone. I have always been pro-vampire and not found of werewolves so this will be intersting to see how I feel as the books progress.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Turning Over a New Leaf?
I don't think I can turn over anymore leaves I've pretty much flipped over a frickin' grove of trees trying to change my habits. At this point I am 37 and pretty damn tired of living the way I do... WHoa pretty serious, what it boils down to is I am really tired of my Weight, I have never been this heavy and it sucks! places sweat that shouldn't I can't stand it. On the other hand I am extremly lazy and get very angry about the idea of a diet. I just need to think of it as a lifestyle change. That is it a "Lifestyle Change", I just can't do it. However over the last few weeks it has been so hot out that I can't deal with carrying around the extra weight. So, what to do to make the big change??? Not sure yet totally but I am excited about the upcoming changes. My best friend has changed her eating habits and she looks incredible, I am very proud of her!
Friday, August 1, 2008
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Every Once So Often...
I need a kick up the ass to remind who good I really do have it. I have tasked with starting a new division for the family owned business I work for. I have done this once before to much success. Well it has been a year and things are slow moving of course the economy does not help any. BUT I think I could be better, I am not living up to my potential and I know it! Well I got smacked down this week and it took hearing how disappointed my father is with my performance to get my ass moving.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
I Want You...

I need this! I have been waiting to buy a Bind-it-all, www.binditall.com
for a long time. I make a ton of mini books and I really want this! I have convinced myself it is a good investment and plan to buy one at the Scrapbook Expo in August. I wasn't crazy about the blue color it came in but I could deal. Then I found the v2.0 and it is PINK. You will be mine!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Empty Nest Syndrome

I think my fur babies are suffering from Empty Nest Syndrome! With Jason's mom comes Jessie, her dog. Jessie is pretty special, she was Jason's brothers dog and best friend. When he passed away, she went to live with Mom. She is an unusual thing as you can see. She looks like a vertically challenged German Shepard, and a Corgi. Anyway the first meeting of Snippitt and Jessie didn't go well and Snippitt had to go to the emergency Vet, so every time they see each other it is tense, except this time. Jessie came in and they were an instant little pack. It was so cute. Jessie and Mom left yesterday and the fur babies are pretty ho-hum today. They keep looking for Jessie in the spare room. It is so cute!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Sometimes I'm Wrong....

The family trip is over. It actually went well, of course there was bumps along the way, but what do you expect when there is 6 females and 1 lone male! I decided early that I would let things go and see what happens. I was surprised by the outcome. I guess I really am growing up! It only took 37 years
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Today is day 2 of the family. You ever feel like a total outsider...Yeah thats me. Of course I do what comes natural, play with the little one. Works for me. They got here yesterday, we went to Anita's last night (only the best MEXI food EVER!!) where I proceeded to make a hosebeast of myself. When all else fails I default to eating there is comfort there (So need to address my food thing, Ya Think!) We are doing a beach BBQ today/tonight! The beach my favorite thing ever! What Fat woman doesn't love it...super thin chicks in tiny bikinis that can eat anything! YEAH!!!!
(to any new readers...I am not usually so bitchy, I guess you can say things are tense!)
(to any new readers...I am not usually so bitchy, I guess you can say things are tense!)
Friday, July 18, 2008
I Can't Find My Other Flip Flop...
My house is out of control!!!! I have been trying to find my other Teva Flip Flop for a week now! I am surrounded by way to much Crap! Ever have that feeling? I don't even remember buying half of it! I obviously do not need it. I am on a mission this weekend to reduce the amount of scrap I have! We'll see what happens, My hubby wants to go to garage sales on Saturday...I AM AFRAID!!!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Long Time No BLOG!
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
I am in the process of moving my office this week. I moved from an office with an incredible ocean view..to an office that is under a mile from home. Over the last few months with the price of gas being outrageous in beautiful SoCal, I have parked my baby(2005 Dodge Durango 4x4 Hemi)and started driving my husbands smaller pickup. When my lease was up on my office, I wanted to look for something close to home, and I found the perfect spot for me. So this morning was the first day at the new digs! I got up and was really excited to walk to work...until I started to walk! I am so out of shape it is not even funny! We'll see how the evening walk home goes.

Thursday, June 26, 2008
Life Interrupted
It has been a tough week, actually a tough year. We lost Jason's dad in October, and have been faced with trying to pick up the pieces of his life. Mepop lived on a sailboat in our local harbor. he lived the life he wanted and frequently would take off by himself and sail to Mexico or Alaska, just him and his fur baby. Well he left us with a lot of confusion as there was no will and no instructions as to how to handle his things, we have been struggling financially trying to keep everything afloat. Keeping the boat in its slip has left us, in financial ruin. BUT a very close friend of Mepop's has rescued us and is purchasing the boat. Why all the back story? Well today my husband and his best friend are going to the boat to begin packing things up. My husband has not been on the boat since we found Mepop passed away in his bunk. My husband's best friend will be by his side as he begins this difficult task. I am beyond thankful for Paul and his love for my husband. I miss you Mepop, don't worry Snippitt is doing great!!!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Friday, June 20, 2008
Why Can't I Finish You???
Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Summer Colds
I always know when summer is just around the corner..I get the dreaded SUMMER COLD. I will have this cold now for the rest of June, it is like an old friend that wanders in and out of your life. One day I feel great the next can't stop coughing. It has been nice kind of, I sit on the couch and watch BBC America and take a nap with this guy.. OX always makes me feel better!

Thursday, May 29, 2008
A Trip to See the Mouse!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
May was a kind of CRAZY month in the Tinsley house. It seems that we woke up this morning and May is over. You know when you don't feel sick but you don't feel good? I have been feeling this way all month! Mr Sandman forgot where our house is, NO ONE IN OUR HOUSE IS SLEEPING!! My alarm goes off at 6:15 to get ready for work and my husband still has not been to sleep! Now our fur babies are waking up in the middle of the night and want to play and be up. URGHHH! I just want to sleep, so I get home for work and take a nap and then I am screwed and can not go to sleep until late and it starts all over again!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
I will focus on the task at hand
I will be aware of my surroundings
I will be aware of how I feel
I will not turn to food
I will be thankful
I will be humble
I will be positive
I will take time for me
I will NOT EAT McDonald's!
OK... so I have had a little issue lately with anxiety lately, can you tell? I started a workshop a few weeks ago to learn more about anxiety and have discovered that I don't want to know more but I have to! It is probably the worst it has been this last year! We had several loses in our family over the last 18 months and although I was a rock when it happened and took charge, now I have to deal with the 70 LBS I put on as a result of "Dealing" with things.
I will be aware of my surroundings
I will be aware of how I feel
I will not turn to food
I will be thankful
I will be humble
I will be positive
I will take time for me
I will NOT EAT McDonald's!
OK... so I have had a little issue lately with anxiety lately, can you tell? I started a workshop a few weeks ago to learn more about anxiety and have discovered that I don't want to know more but I have to! It is probably the worst it has been this last year! We had several loses in our family over the last 18 months and although I was a rock when it happened and took charge, now I have to deal with the 70 LBS I put on as a result of "Dealing" with things.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Happy Cinco de Mayo!!!

I am now 36 years old and I finally know what is being celebrated on Cinco De Mayo! If I were on Jeopardy and the question came up I could buzz in with.."What is celebrates the victory at the Battle of Puebla over the French, Alex." In celebration we will be having a mini feast of Pollo Asada, Rice, Beans, Guac and all the fixings and of course Beer and Tequila!
Friday, April 11, 2008
Is it me or is April flying by??? I can't keep up anymore. I have decided I need a break from the "E" Ticket ride I apparently got on and no one told me about. I keep thinking to myself ....DEEP BREATHES, DEEP BREATHES, DEEP BREATHES. I think I made my self pass out twice already!!!
Until we meet again BLOG!
Until we meet again BLOG!
Friday, March 28, 2008
Nap Time....

Usually when I walk up to our front door our fur babies start barking, they hear me honk the horn on my car alarm and they are bouncing by the time I finally open the door,
When I got to the door I didn't hear a peep, not a whine, not a scratch on the door, not a bark, nothing, I thought my husband must have taken them out. Well not exactly, when I opened the door I found my husband sleeping peacefully on the coach with the little girl curled up, but there was no sign of the boy, so I went into the bedroom and found the boy, laying on the big bed all stretched out enjoying a nap and the breeze! If you look closely at the picture of the little girl, that big dark shadow is the hubby, and you can see one of his toes peeking out of the blanket, the little girl sat right up to get her picture taken, however once it was snapped she fell back down!
Fun Fotos .....
I Love Polka Dot Whimsy Kits! Michelle Hill puts together the most incredible items for you. Once you complete your project there is always enough leftover to start something new. This book has all of our random favorites!
Expo Mini Books
I made 4 of these mini books for my girlfriends and I, we had a girls weekend when the Scrapbook Expo was in San Diego during August 2007.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Thank God I Picked KVD...

OK..I have mentioned before that my husband and I are addicted to Bass Fishing, well it is so bad that we each have a Fantasy Fishing Team for the Bass Master Elite Tour Series (sometime I scare even myself). Well my husband has been very diligent in maintaining a team that will perform for each stop of the tour. I on the other hand not so much. I picked my guys and left it at that. The first stop I totally tanked! You would think I would make changes...Heck no I kept my guys and this weekend......KVD won!!!!!! (Kevin Van Dam for those who are like who the hell) I won I won I won!!!! my husband not so much, I am so excited I can't see straight, even my long shot guy was in first for the first (2) days of the tourney and he basically sucks.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Oh How I Love You....
Monday, March 3, 2008
Longtime No Post...
Where to even start...Our lives have been in turmoil it seems. Every time something happens for the good, we take a million steps back. Why is that? I understand that through adversity and struggles you emerge even stronger than you were before. I just want to emerge already it has been over a year of already of loss, how about some gain?
I know very cryptic, sorry to be so heavy today BLOG!
I know very cryptic, sorry to be so heavy today BLOG!
Monday, February 25, 2008
Soooo Laazzyy!
Ever feel like you can't get enough sleep! If it wasn't for waking up to go potty I don't think I would have gotten out of bed for the majority of the weekend. It has been really rainy (we aren't used to rain so many days in a row), I got new jammies that a put on and did not take off until this morning. My husband and the fur babies curled up on the couch and wathced the Bass Master Classic. It was great!!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Today my boy turns SIX! My Husband and I have a hard time grasping the concept. He is still such a puppy in our eyes. He is always running and playing he will chase ANYTHING! We have had a lot of loss in our family over the past year and Chopper has been there by our sides always the empathic Pup. Over the last few months he has bonded with the newest member of our family, Snippitt(A Teacup Yorkie full of Piss & Vineagar), and taken on the role of the Big Brother. He has also figured out that if he wants to do something and we are busy, all he has to do is get Snippitt going and we give in, becuase she will not let anything go!
Love You Chopper!
Friday, February 15, 2008
It Never Snows in San Diego....Until Yesterday!

So I live in "America's Finest City" as the local politicians like to call it or just San Diego as I like to call it, we are famous for our perfect climate. Yesterday a Cruise Ship pulled into town filled with people eager to explore downtown and basque in the sunshine as they themselves probably escaped -20 temps in the midwest! Well I am sorry to tell you that yesterday was not your day and you should ask for a DO OVER becuase around noon yesterday a freak winter storm rolled in. Dropping up to 10 inches of snow in our surrounding mountains and dropping the snow level to 1500 feet. We actually made national news last night as a local highway was closed and remained closed on my way to work even this morning!
Thursday, February 14, 2008

On my way to wrok this morning I passed Albertson's Grocery Store and they had set up a "Drive Thru" filled with balloons, candy and flowers for those who were desperate and forgot! Kind of a strange site a line of cars with people running and shoving baloons, flowers and candy through car windows. I do not know about you...but I'd rather have a hand written note anyday from my sweetheart than a box of grocery store chocolate. This year things are really tight so we have decided to stay in and cook dinner together, walk the fur babies, and watch LOST & SURVIVOR (gotta love the DVR).
If you read this today Honey....I love you with all my heart, you are my heart and soul, not to mention you take great care of me and the fur babies.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
MUST READ........

I just read Bitter is the New Black by Jen Lancaster in about 5 minutes. I love this woman! I am scared that all the things I do have manifested themselves in someone else as well. Totally had the Techie Job making large ones, and me being me saved ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. I have no clue what I did with it!
Now at the rip old age of 36 I am so screwed, nothing in the bank owing everyone!!! BUT a light at the end of the tunnel just flickered a few times and decided to stay on!
So, I have begun to turn over a new leaf, I put away the credit cards, put myself on a budget, my husband is paying the bills so they will actually go out, as well as out on time! I know Baby steps right??
Monday, February 11, 2008
DO NOT GO.....
OK, so I had some surgery last week and I have not been able to go out that much. My honey and I decided we would go to an early dinner, since I was starting to feel better. We live in Vista, CA which is in San Diego County, well there was a restaurant we wanted to try in Carlsbad, which is about 10-15 minutes from us ( I know tedious background..BUT it is important). So I call the restaurant to find out about the wait. We put our name in as a reservation and are out the door. We get there 15 minutes later and still have to wait for about 10 minutes, no biggie! We are both dying for steak and potato, well worth the wait!
I couple comes in and puts there name in and are told they will have to wait 15-20 minutes. We are called about 5 minutes after this, there are (2) hostess' working so we make our way to our table AND..
The other hostess has sat the people that came in after us (no reservation or anything), so my being the Sicilian that I am could not let this go and start pitching a fit, our hostess was very confused as well. So what does the other hostess tell us after my interragation?:
"They are freinds of the waitress so we need to have a seat and wait for the next table"
Are you freakin kidding me?! So if you are ever in Carlsbad, CA remember this tale and avoid..
I couple comes in and puts there name in and are told they will have to wait 15-20 minutes. We are called about 5 minutes after this, there are (2) hostess' working so we make our way to our table AND..
The other hostess has sat the people that came in after us (no reservation or anything), so my being the Sicilian that I am could not let this go and start pitching a fit, our hostess was very confused as well. So what does the other hostess tell us after my interragation?:
"They are freinds of the waitress so we need to have a seat and wait for the next table"
Are you freakin kidding me?! So if you are ever in Carlsbad, CA remember this tale and avoid..
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
US - Polka Dot Whimsy Kit

Finally finished this project! The kit is from Polka Dot Whimsy . The Kit Club is incredible! Michelle Hill always packs the kits with so much product that you have enough leftover to do several layouts or even another book! I gave this book to my Dad and his family for Christmas.

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