Monday, April 27, 2009

OHH how I want YOU...YUDU

I am in love...with the YUDU. I have been contemplating purchasing a GOCCO Screen Printer for my husband and I for a long time! We have a lot of art work that we want to print and had finally decided to take the plunge and then...
YUDU!! I was in my local Michael's and I saw it. I sped home barely able to contain myself with what I had discovered..I knew then that we needed a YUDU!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Major Block!!!!

I have been suffering from a major creative BLOCK!!! I have soo much to do books to create, pages to finish, Embellies to create AND I CANT GET STARTED!!!! I think I need a good kick in the Butt!!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Are you kidding me???

A women at the Berlin Zoo, thought it would be a good idea to jump into their enclosure during feeding time...

NOTE TO SELF: Jump into the Polar Bear enclosure after feeding time!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Creative Block

I have been trying to layout the same page for 1 week now!!! What is wrong???I am having a major creative block....or maybe it is the giant stack of books I just brought home from the library??????

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Friday, April 10, 2009

I love you Library!!!

So I realized I have an issue when it comes to books! I love to read so does my husband, I think I have spent a small fortune on books over the past few years. A couple of weeks ago we had a garage sale and I decided it was time to get rid of some books....I had 8 boxes. This prompted to make some changes, since things are rough all around financially I have decided that I would by no new books! I would start going to the library. I am obsessed with our branch of the library! You can order books from any of the locations throughout our county and have them shipped to your branch! OMG! Then I realized that I am just a library newbie! There is so much to learn!

I know....I truly am a dork for not figuring this out sooner!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

OHH What A Crazy Ride!!!!

Well it has been 6 months since I have taken the time to actually visit you my little BLOG! My has it been crazy! Change is Good...Right??? In the last six months I have realized that it is time for a change a major one! When I am not busy creating for the Etsy shop my real life job is in the ohh so dorky world of Industrial Computers. A world that is filled with very nerdy lingo and even nerdier (is that a word) products. I must admit though I LOVE IT!! I have made my living in this technology heavy environment for almost 18 years now and it the tender age of 38 I have realized that it is time to move on! THAT IS SO CRAZY TO SAY!!!

Anyway more to come BLOG of Mine! In the mean time Scrappin Princess will be open again over at ETSY starting May 1st! Look for photos of all the fun yummy things to come!